Activities near Abloom Lodge
There are many things to do around Abloom Lodge. So if you feel like exploring what is out there, please click on the ‘activity links’ on this page to get all the information you need.
All prices listed for the activities are estimates and are subject to change without prior notice so please check before booking.
Lion Walk
The lion walks are done at a nearby farm in our conservancy. You excursion starts with a tea/coffee and a simple but nice lunch. After lunch a short lecture on lions, followed by the actual walk with the lions. You will walk to the dam with the lions and have time to interact with then, play a bit and pat them. You are NOT in an enclosed area but beautifully outside in the bushveld. When you return from your walk you can play with cubs, interact with the other animals in the sanctuary and the day will end with a snake demonstration. Be ready to have the time of your life! There is a cash bar for the refreshments.
Minimum 6 people or if you are willing to pay for minimal 6.
To make a booking, contact Horseback Africa (Google Horseback Africa).
Diamond Mine Tour
The Premier Mine is an underground diamond mine owned by Petra Diamonds. It is situated in the town of Cullinan, 40 kilometres east of Pretoria, Gauteng Province, South Africa.
Established in 1902, it was renamed the Cullinan Diamond Mine in November 2003 in celebration of its centenary. The mine rose to prominence in 1905, when the Cullinan Diamond — at the time the largest gem diamond ever — was discovered here. It is also the only significant source of blue diamonds in the world.
Surface tours:
Duration 1,5 – 2 hours
7 Days per week: 10h30 & 12h00 & 14h00
For bookings contact +27 (0)12 734 0260
Cullinan Tours
99 Oak Avenue
next to mc Hardy House on right hand side of the street
Prices can change without prior notice, please confirm price on reservation.

![[1].mr Cullinan New Size](
![[1].fact Board](
![[1].different Cuts](
![[1].cullinan Diamond](
![[1].a Cullinan Cut Diamond 1](
The discovery of the mine occurred in 1890 by a Dutchman named Fabricius. He was actually prospecting for Henry Ward, who had an option to purchase the Wessels estate within a certain amount of time. However, Mr. Ward did not have any money to actually purchase the land and could have only done so if the land held diamonds, since it would be easy to find investors for it then. Ward became very fortunate when only a small part of the Wessels estate actually fell within the Cape Colony, and it was upon that portion of the land that the mine was discovered.
Scores of sanitary pits had been dug close to the mine, but never on the mine itself, and therefore the mine had never been discovered until Fabricius dug a random hole of 10 feet deep through limestone and the yellow ground was found.
Although Ward had all the rights as agreed with Wessels when buying the bond for the land, things were not that simple. Scores of pits a few feet in size were dug, and people refused to leave the land even though they did not have any rights. The fight became more complex because the mine was only a few hundred meters from the boundary between the Colony and the Free State. It was the Free State who had given Ward all rights to the mine since under their law, all minerals found belong to the owners of the land.
In the end Ward’s claim was established beyond any doubt. Money problems kept pursuing him which let him first part with 50% of the land which after some transactions ended up in the hands of De Beers. He finally parted with the other 50% as well and sold it to De Beers but under the following conditions: Ward could take over the mine for a period of five years in which he was allowed 5,000,000 loads (equal to 4,000,000 tons of diamond bearing ground). This referred to the so-called yellow ground and the first 8 feet (2.4 m) of limestone were discounted for (since limestone would not hold any diamonds).
Notable Discoveries
The Cullinan Diamond is the largest rough gem-quality diamond ever found, at 3,106.75 carats (621.35 g). It was found by Frederick Wells, surface manager of the Premier Diamond Mining Company in Cullinan, Gauteng, South Africa, on January 25, 1905. The stone was named after Sir Thomas Cullinan, the owner of the diamond mine.
In May 2008, a sparkling shield-shaped 101.27 carats (20.25 g) diamond (about the size of a pingpong ball) mined from the Premier Mine sold for more than $6.2 million at Christie’s in Hong Kong. Cut from a 460 carats (92 g) rough, the shield-shaped gem boasts 92 brilliant facets. While internally flawless, the stone has a slight imperfection on the surface that is imperceptible to the human eye, the auction house said. It is the largest colourless diamond to appear on the auction market in the last 18 years, Christie’s said. Only three colourless diamonds of more than 100 carats (20 g) have appeared at auction. All were sold in Geneva. Naming rights were granted to the new owner.
In September 2009, a 507-carat (101 g) diamond was found, and is ranked as one of the 20 biggest high quality diamonds ever discovered. Petra Diamonds sold the 507-carat (101 g) diamond for $35.3 million on February 26, 2010, breaking a record as the highest price ever paid for a rough diamond.
Play Golf
Cullinan Golf Club has a parkland layout between the koppies in the bushveld and is rated one of the best 9-hole courses in the country. The club offers a very friendly atmosphere with a spacious clubhouse. There are also various green fees and specials at Cullinan Golf Club.
Holes: 9
Length: 6357 mtr
Par rating: 72
SAGA rating: 72
Grass: Bent
Designed by: Bob Grimsdell
Contact for bookings:
Cullinan Golf Club
Main Street
012 734 1078
Horseback Safaris
Horseback safari’s are done on a nearby farm where you can also do the lion walks.
There are no predators but you will see giraffe and many bok species.
It is a half day experience starting in the morning and ending with a simple but nice lunch.
Contact Horseback Africa
![[3].Woodland Kingfisher](
![[3].Black Shouldered Kite](
![[3].Black Breasted Snake Eagle Adult](
![[3].African Hoopoe](
![[1].White Throated Robin](
![[1].Tinkling Cisticola](
![[1].Spotted Eagle Own With 2 Chicks](
![[1].Rufousnapped Lark](
![[1].Red-chested Cuckoo Ruhengeri 20 03 10 3[1]](
![[1].pearl Spotted Owlet](
![[1].Paradise Flyc LHarding Med[1]](
![[1].Orange Cheeked Waxbill](
![[1].Mocking Chat](
![[1].Melba Finch](
![[1].Malachite Kingfisher](
![[1].Lesser Striped Swallow](
![[1].Green Woodhoopoe[1]](
![[1].Greater Kestrel](
![[1].giant Kingfisher](
![[1].Fawn Coloured Lark](
![[1].European Bee-eater](
![[1].European Bee-eater (2)](
![[1].Eastern Redfooted Kestrel](
![[1].Crimson Breasted Boubou](
![[1].Crested-barbet 02[2]](
![[1].African Fish Eagle[1]](
Cullinan Town
The Historic Town of Cullinan
In 1902, Sir Thomas Cullinan found a diamond pipe, and by 1904 semidetached houses were built for mine workers. The town was therefore named after Sir Cullinan. On 25 June 1905, the small town made its way into history with the discovery of the legendary Cullinan Diamond. Frederick Wells, who worked for the Premier Diamond Mining Company as a surface manager, made the magnificent find that has remained the biggest diamond ever found in the world.
The Cullinan Diamond weighed 621.2 grams (or 3 106 carats) and was approximately 10 centimeters in length. The Transvaal government bought the diamond and gave it to King Edward VII, as a birthday gift. In 1908, the diamond was cut in half and the biggest piece can still be viewed today, as it is set in a scepter that forms part of the Crown Jewels of Britain.
Amongst the attractions in Cullinan, visitors will still be able to see the semidetached houses built in 1904, visit the graves of the Italian POWs who perished here during the Second World War or admire the beautiful stone church that was designed by Sir Herbert Baker. One of the most popular activities in town is the tour of the Cullinan Diamond Mine. They are still the leaders in producing some of the best quality gems in the world, and together with a surface tour, visitors will be able to see the mine shaft, the diamond and replica display room, underground tunnel models and the hoist room. After exploring how these precious stones are mined, visitors are invited to the Cullinan Diamond Mine Market, where they can see diamonds being cut and are able to purchase diamonds and jewelry.
Pay a visit to the town of Cullinan, have a look at the nice little shops and have breakfast, lunch or just a drink in one of the many nice tea gardens in Lower Oak Street.
Cullinan also has a number of nice restaurants should you like to do dinner in town.